Hi Everyone!
My name is Neva and this is JustBeve, my little home on the internet. From here you can get to my other blog, Elegant Sunshine and my youTube channel. With these three different sites I am attempting to put my life in order and find that place in life where you know things are headed in the right direction!
So what are these ventures I have started? Well, JustBeve is my personal blog where I keep my food journal and where I tend to wax poetic about daily life. It is where I attempt to find good in the world around me, and where I am trying to chart a path to health. It is also where I work out the growing up stuff I have been putting off!
Elegant Sunshine is more of a design/craft blog, the things I do to turn my one bedroom apartment into my sanctuary. It is also where I feature the blogs that inspire this low cost decoration. I also tend to talk about cooking, which I love to do. What can I say Elegant Sunshine is where I get my Martha on!!
On youTube I vlog and do other fun things. It is more of a creative release that I sort of started doing on a whim and found out I really liked! It has helped my confidence and has really helped me come out of my shell. I plan on making some how-to videos and other fun stuff on the blog, and I always post when I vlog : )
Other then that I am a single, 26 year old, So. Cal gal who is trying to put her house in order, grow up, shape up and become a real adult instead of the weird child/adult hybrid I have been for years now. These projects are the physical manifestation of the inner journey I am taking. I hope you enjoy it and please, please comment and e-mail me and tweet me and all that, I love hearing from everyone!
Ok, Have a great day!
My e-mail: Email Just Beve!